Counseling center for migrants
Counseling center for migrants
we look after
The Counseling Center for Migrants is one of the oldest and largest counseling centers in Austria. The target group are people with a non-German mother tongue or Austrian citizens with family members of non-German mother tongue living in Vienna, recognized Convention refugees and persons protection.
Assistance on topics that lead to obstacles in everyday life
All events at a glance
Young, criminal, anti-democratic and lost? Facts and figures on young people with a migration background in Vienna
UncategorizedHardly any other group is the focus of as much media and political attention as young Viennese with a migration background. Unemployment, crime, violence and extremism are issues that are repeatedly associated with young Viennese of foreign origin.
Migration. Woman. Family violence. – a search
UncategorizedMigration is feminine. Hardly any population group faces more problems than women with a migration background. This is particularly the case with family problems and violence in the family.
Making access to citizenship more inclusive – practical report from Vienna
UncategorizedOnly a flexible and inclusive citizenship law can meet the requirements of modern societies. However, Austria is a long way from achieving this: in an international comparison, only two countries are more restrictive than Austria: Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. This article discusses the challenges and reforms in Vienna.