Counseling center for migrants
Counseling center for migrants
we look after
The Counseling Center for Migrants is one of the oldest and largest counseling centers in Austria. The target group are people with a non-German mother tongue or Austrian citizens with family members of non-German mother tongue living in Vienna, recognized Convention refugees and persons protection.
Assistance on topics that lead to obstacles in everyday life
All events at a glance
Vienna Integration Council
UncategorizedThe Vienna Integration Council (W.I.R.) presented its statement on citizenship and naturalization during a panel discussion. In the last 20 years, the number of naturalizations and the naturalization rate in Vienna has fallen sharply in comparison with other European countries, although immigration has led to significant population growth.
Panel discussion
UncategorizedThe Office of the Deputy Mayor and Executive City Councilor Christoph Wiederkehr and the Department of Integration and Diversity invite you to the presentation of the fourth statement of the Vienna Integration Council (W.I.R.) and the subsequent panel discussion Citizenship and Naturalization: Challenges for Vienna as a City of Immigration.
Media appointment for the opening of the Job Mile
UncategorizedA few days before April 30, Unemployment Day, a media event will draw attention to the situation of people affected by unemployment. The situation on the Austrian labor market has recently eased considerably.