Counseling center for migrants
Counseling center for migrants
we look after
The Counseling Center for Migrants is one of the oldest and largest counseling centers in Austria. The target group are people with a non-German mother tongue or Austrian citizens with family members of non-German mother tongue living in Vienna, recognized Convention refugees and persons protection.
Assistance on topics that lead to obstacles in everyday life
All events at a glance
Expand intercultural competencies
UncategorizedProfessional competence in dealing with migrants is an important factor in counseling and support – that is why the Counseling Center for Migrants is again conducting the SIQUA (Sensitization Information Qualification) training in May 2023.
Women* empowerment in the context of flight
Uncategorized“What women* experience on the run is associated with great helplessness and thus exactly the opposite of empowerment. Therefore, self-empowerment is of very central importance. It enables to move from a self-image as “victim” to “survivor”.” (Dr.in Barbara Preitler, Hemayat)
Fight for the rights of Afghan women
UncategorizedSince the Taliban took power in Afghanistan in August 2021, the living situation of women in Afghanistan has been affected beyond all measure. Women and girls suffer from a lack of freedom, a lack of access to education starting from the seventh grade and to universities, to recreational and medical facilities … New violent attacks on women and girls in the country are reported almost daily.