Counseling center for migrants
Counseling center for migrants
we look after
The Counseling Center for Migrants is one of the oldest and largest counseling centers in Austria. The target group are people with a non-German mother tongue or Austrian citizens with family members of non-German mother tongue living in Vienna, recognized Convention refugees and persons protection.
Assistance on topics that lead to obstacles in everyday life
All events at a glance
Information event in Romanian language
UncategorizedThursday, November 14, 2024, from 18:00 to 20:00
Venue: Hoher Markt 8/ 4/ 2nd floor, 1010 Vienna
Information event in Greek language
UncategorizedThursday, October 17, 2024, from 18:00 to 20:00
Venue: Hoher Markt 8/ 4/ 2nd floor, 1010 Vienna
ICDO’s Long Nights of Interculturality 2024
UncategorizedICDO is organizing the 7th edition of the “Long Nights of Interculturality”, one of the biggest cultural events in Vienna, Austria, from 23rd to 29th of September 2024.