Counseling center for migrants
Counseling center for migrants
we look after
The Counseling Center for Migrants is one of the oldest and largest counseling centers in Austria. The target group are people with a non-German mother tongue or Austrian citizens with family members of non-German mother tongue living in Vienna, recognized Convention refugees and persons protection.
Assistance on topics that lead to obstacles in everyday life
All events at a glance
Vienna.strengths – Protection from partner violence
UncategorizedThe aim of the information event is to raise awareness of the issue of intimate partner violence, share experiences and discuss prevention and protection measures.
Target group: People who are in contact with people affected by intimate partner violence in their everyday and/or professional lives.
Information event in Greek
UncategorizedInvitation – The BBE Advisory Center for Migrants, Labor Market Policy Support Institution and the Greek Associations:
Media Talk and Tour PERSPEKTIVE 2023 Job Fair
UncategorizedPromote offerings for job seekers? Indispensable right now! Social enterprises secure workforce for the future